Let's Talk Money

Monday, September 15, 2014

Knowledge and Information

When I was still in my younger years and my father tried to teach me with the "do's" and "dont's" in life, he used to say the words "education starts at home". Even my Aunts' and Uncles because they themselves are educators being teachers by profession. As a child of course, I didn't pay much attention to those words and did not even try to analyze what they really mean. What I know at that time was that every time I hear those words, I get bored and upset but my father was so strict that for him not to get angry I just keep quiet but deep inside I was really bored. 

Years passed and as I grow older until I got married and have a child, I realized that really, "education starts at home". This is because I am applying to my child what I learned from my parents...the "character" education first. The education that I am talking about in this paragraph is the way we are being educated where character is concerned. Because of my experiences in life especially dealing with people in different walks of life, people that are educated in terms of school education and to those who lacks higher education from school but more "educated" in their ways in terms of behavior and character, I learned that there is a bit difference. I now realized that we need to educate first ourselves, our character, to make it easier for us to apply the education that we learn from school.

We all have different ways to teach and love our children. I started to teach my child at the age of 2. I have a friend who always tell me that it was still too early to teach my child with the do's and don'ts at her very young age, but what I know at that time, that is the right time to teach her because she is beginning to explore her own world. I am not really very strict, but I show my love for her by teaching her all the good things that I learned in my growing years...for which some,  I learned from my mistakes. Now, my child is already coming to 14 and I am happy that I saw in her character the result of the "education" that I first gave her before she started with the education that she can get from school. She is not perfect because no human is perfect, but at least she is educated in her ways that reflects what she learned from school.

This blog is meant for education, knowledge and information...everything that has something to do with the knowledge that our children needs to prepare themselves for a good future and be happy and fulfilled in their lives. I compiled here educational books for toddlers, preschoolers, high school, college, books for professionals, and a lot more that give benefits to our children. The summary of each section as follows:

Toddlers'  Learning Kit - prenatal education (I stared here because this the first cycle), baby's first words, toddlers' learning books, toddlers' watch and learn, toddlers' learning toys, teachers' aids books, kindergarten watch n learn, kindergarten learning toys, teachers' aid books for kindergarten, and preschool supplies. (still to add more) Please check ongoing promotions.

Primary - learning Science, Science experiment tools, learning English, learning Maths, learning Social Studies, learning History, Extra Curricular Activities, develop youngsters' skills, school supplies, and Elementary Encyclopedia. (still to add more) Please check on going promotions.

High School - English, Essay Writing, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Science experiment tools, Maths, Trigonometry, History, Geography, Social Studies, High School Extra Curricular Activities, and Teachers' Aids books for High School Curriculum. (still to add more) Please check ongoing promotions.
College - College Algebra, Mathematics, Geometry, College Physics, College Biology, College Chemistry, Laboratory Aids, College English, Thesis, College of Law, College of Medicine, College of Nursing, College of Dentistry, College of Architecture, College of Engineering, College of Education, and becoming a Scientist. (still to add more) Please check ongoing promotions.

Earth Science - Geology, Geophysics, Mineralogy, Mineral Physics, Earth Minerals, Properties of Gemstones, Metal Properties, Nature of Titanium, Nature of Tungsten, Nature of Gold, and Plant Minerals. (still to add more) Please check ongoing promotions.

I will be adding a lot more and always give updates to make it worth your precious time to visit this blog. Thank you all folks and I would happily appreciate your frequent visit here.

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