Let's Talk Money

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Your Eyes

The organ of sight is the eye. The eyeball is protected above by the ridge of the brow. The white outer layer of the eye is the sclera. A transparent membrane in the middle of the eye is called cornea, which helps to focus the rays of light entering the eye. Iris is the colored portion of the eye, a muscle, in its center is the pupil that
admits light when open.

Like other organs, the eye maybe infected and injured. Serious diseases of the eye include cataract, glaucoma, and detached retina. As your eye is a priceless treasure, too much abuse of its use should be avoided. When foreign bodies invades your eye, don't rub and use first aid or see your optometrist. 

Eye infection requires immediate attention. If bacteria infect the glands of the eyelid or the roots of the eyelashes, the result is often a swelling or cyst filled with pus. Apply a moist warm compress to the eye for about a quarter of an hour every three hours. 

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